So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10: 31 Betty’s Supper Betty loved her tasty foods, But liked to watch her weight, Conscious of eating healthily, Chose carefully what she ate. But Betty being only human, As much as she aimed to try, To keep focussed on the fruit bowl, Had a naughty wandering eye. Yesterday when the house was quiet, She opened the refrigerator door, And spotted some rashers of bacon, Left from Brunch the day before. Plagued by indecision, To what her sandwich would be, The banana in the fruit bowl, Or a delectable BLT? What ‘B’ should it be Lord: The banana or the bacon? She sensed an answer immediately, And knew she was not mistaken. She looked up and said ‘thank you’, To God for being kind, With scissors poised in her hand, She obediently cut off the rind! Purchasers are requested to provide full contact details including post code when purchasing via PayPal
Betty's Supper