And my God will supply every need of yours according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus … Philippians 4: 19 Betty’s Shopping Spree Betty shopped until she dropped, Whenever the chance arose, Scanning the high street boutiques, For her favourite style of clothes. Having an eye for colour and shape, She paid attention to the detail, Enjoying every minute and penny spent, Was her therapy found in retail. Delicate prints on soft fabrics, Are designs that suit her taste, Fitting not clinging over her hips, Then nipping in at the waist. Betty’s ‘eureka’ moment, At last a fantastic find, Accentuating all her assets, At the front and from behind. Whether it was just an illusion, Betty was thrilled with her amazing buy, Happily skipping home with her shopping bags, She had ended her day on a high. Purchasers are requested to provide full contact details including post code when purchasing via PayPal
Betty's Shopping Spree